Following an all-new story, naruto shippuden: kizuna drive pits naruto and friends against an unseen foe responsible for the disappearance of ninja from hidden leaf village new game-exclusive characters will descend onto the scene and unexpected plot twists are revealed as players discover who seeks vengeance upon naruto. Download naruto kizuna drive ppsspp emuparadise. Naruto shippuden: kizuna drive is a action video game published by bandai namco games released on march 22, 2011 for the psp file: naruto_shippuden_kizuna_drive_usa_psp-pspkingiso crc-32: cf227bfd.
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Naruto shippuden kizuna drive is the one of the most popular preventing video games kizuna drive’s storyline is exclusive to the game, although it’s standard naruto filler a far off village is destroyed, naruto and his allies are damned for the tragedy, and much of battles flee between rival factions because nobody within the naruto universe looks to understand the way to settle a. Naruto shipp